Can exotic dogs be trained like traditional breeds? - Complete Guide

Can exotic dogs be trained like traditional breeds? - Complete Guide


Many people are now looking at exotic dogs as a great addition to the family. As such, you may be wondering what makes them better than other breeds. One of the reasons people look at exotic dogs is because of their amazing work ethic. Part of that is due to their training methods and part of it is due to their genetics.

Dogs are very popular pets. In fact, of all the different kinds of pets people have, dogs are among the top ten. Many people like to own exotic dogs for their perceived attractiveness and easy care but in reality, many of these dogs are much less suited to being kept as pets and therefore have to be trained differently than other breeds.

Training exotic breeds

Training exotic dogs is the same as training any other type of dog. The key is to start early and be consistent with your training methods. If you're just getting started with your new puppy, here are some tips for training exotic breeds:

Start training as soon as possible after bringing home your new pup. Try to have him on a leash by age 3 months and begin teaching him basic commands like sit, stay, down and come as well as tricks like "shake hands." Once your dog has learned his basics, begin working on obedience exercises such as sit-stay, down-stay, stay and come when called or whistled. You can use food or toys as distractions in these exercises so that they don't become frustrating for both of you!

Once he's mastered these basics, start working on more advanced obedience exercises like dead-stays (where he stays still even though you leave the room), loose-leash walking (where he walks beside you without pulling on the leash), and recall (getting him back from wherever he's run off to).

Considerations for exotic dogs

There are many considerations when training exotic dogs, including their size and temperament. Smaller dogs, such as Chihuahuas or Yorkies, tend to be more agile and adaptable than larger breeds. When training a smaller dog, you must also take into consideration his size relative to you. If you're training an exotic dog with a small stature, consider using a harness instead of a collar. The harness will allow him to move freely without pulling on his leash or being dragged along by the end of the lead.

Another consideration is whether your dog is crate trained. If he's not crate trained, there are many benefits to having him in one at all times: It can help prevent housebreaking accidents and teach him how to adjust himself in case he needs to use the bathroom while confined; it will also keep him safe from injury if he has an accident inside his crate; it can also help him feel more secure when left alone in certain situations (such as if he's being boarded).

Patience is key

Patience was one of the first traits we bred into our dogs, and it's still one of the most important ones. You can't expect a dog to understand what you're saying or do what you want if he's impatient. If he gets frustrated and gives up, then so will you. Dogs have to be trained from puppyhood to be good at learning new things. They have a short attention span and will soon forget whatever it was they learned yesterday. Most people don't realize that dogs are in fact very smart animals and need to be taught how to behave properly.

In order for your dog to learn something new, he has to be interested in it first. The more interested he is, the faster he'll learn it. Dogs who are bored will quickly lose interest in whatever it is they're doing, even if they've liked it before. When teaching your dog something new, make sure that you're using positive reinforcement rather than using force or punishment because this will teach them that certain things are bad and they should avoid them in future situations too!

Yes, They can be trained for different purposes

Yes, they can be trained for different purposes. They are all individuals and have their own personalities. Some can be trained to be guard dogs or herding dogs and others can be trained for agility. If you want to train your dog for agility then it is best to get an obedience training class first so that you know how to handle your dog when it is not listening to you.

You will also need to know how to read your dog’s body language and how it communicates with you at home, in case something goes wrong during training. Dogs have all types of personalities so sometimes they may not respond well when they do not understand what you want them to do.


Exotic dogs are not like traditional breeds. I know that's a generalization, but it is true to some degree when it comes to training. They are more independent and stubborn, so those qualities have to be taken into account when training an exotic dog. That being said, they can be trained for different purposes and there are a lot of great resources available online.

It is important to emphasize that training exotic dogs can be done but should be approached with care and respect. Trainers should do their research, learn as much as they can, and acquire the right tools before they begin training. This will help ensure the success of both the trainer and the animal. Fortunately, there are a number of exotic dog trainers and behaviorists who can offer advice, help troubleshoot problems, and provide effective training programs.

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