Can I keep exotic birds legally in India? - Complete Guide

Can I keep exotic birds legally in India? - Complete Guide


For many bird enthusiasts, owning an exotic bird can be a rewarding experience. However, before you commit to making one your pet, it is important to investigate the laws and regulations around exotic birds in India.

Keeping exotic birds in India comes with its own set of legal considerations. It is important to understand what types of birds are considered exotic in India and how they need to be cared for in order to comply with applicable laws. Knowing the relevant legislation can help you make informed decisions about whether or not keeping an exotic bird is right for you.

In this article, we will explore the laws and regulations regarding keeping exotic birds in India. We will cover topics such as what constitutes an "exotic" bird, the types of permits required to keep an exotic bird legally, and how to care for an exotic bird once it is in your possession. By exploring these topics in detail, we hope to provide you with all the information you need if you are considering adding an exciting new pet to your family.

Overview of Exotic Bird Ownership Laws in India

Keeping exotic birds as pets is a common practice in India, and the government typically considers exotic bird ownership to be legal. However, before you take on the responsibility of owning an exotic bird, it’s important to understand what’s involved.

Possession Laws

In India, laws regarding possession of exotic birds vary from state to state. Generally speaking, it is illegal to own or possess native birds or any endangered species. Ownership of exotic birds such as parrots and macaws is also restricted in certain states. Additionally, some states require a permit for ownership of an exotic bird.

Caring for Exotic Birds

Owning an exotic bird requires a significant commitment to its care and wellbeing, so be sure you are prepared before making the decision to become a pet owner. It’s important that your bird has plenty of space with adequate perching options since some can become quite large. Additionally, many species require regular health check-ups from an avian veterinarian and specific diets that provide the necessary nutrients for their growth and development.

Types of Exotic Birds Suitable for Keeping as Pets in India

Exotic birds can be a great source of companionship and entertainment, so if you're considering keeping one as a pet in India, it's important to understand which types of birds are allowed.

India's Wild Life (Protection) Act prohibits the possession, trade and transport of exotic birds and their products. However, there are some exceptions – you can legally keep certain species of exotic birds as pets in India.

These include:

  • Lovebird - A small parrot species with a stocky build and short tail. They make great pets due to their affectionate nature.

  • Cockatiel - A relatively tame bird with charming personality and vocal ability that makes them entertaining as well as easy to train.

  • Sun Conures - Also known as sun parakeets, this type of exotic bird is known for its unique physical characteristics such as its bright yellow color with green feathers on its head and wings.

  • Eclectus Parrot - An intelligent bird species that has beautiful plumage, is easy to tame, and safe to handle compared to other parrots.

  • Alexandrine Parakeet - This type of bird is known for its impressive size – up to two feet in length – flashy blue-green colors and friendly behavior towards humans.

Making sure you choose the right bird species based on legality as well as your preferences will ensure that you have a wonderful pet-owner relationship with your feathered friend!

Guidelines to Adopt an Exotic Bird in India

In India, exotic birds are protected by the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, so the adoption of an exotic bird is subject to certain guidelines. Before you take the first step towards adopting your feathered companion, make sure that:

You Have Obtained a License

The first and most important criterion for acquiring an exotic bird in India is obtaining a license. This is done either through state governments or by applying to the central government. The license will also specify the exact species of exotic bird that you are allowed to purchase. Without a valid license, it is illegal to keep an exotic bird as a pet in India.

You Are Aware of Your Responsibilities

Before taking on the responsibility of owning an exotic bird, it's important to familiarize yourself with the requirements for their care and upkeep. As the owner, you are obligated to provide your pet with proper nutrition, shelter, and medical care for their entire life span.

You Have Done Your Research

Before acquiring any animal or pet, it's important to do your research and understand as much as possible about what you're getting into. This means familiarizing yourself with the behaviors and personalities of different species of birds, as well as researching what type of cage they require and what their diets should be like. Taking these steps will ensure that you are providing your pet with all they need for a happy and healthy life.

Obtaining Permits and Licenses

Keeping exotic birds in India requires careful research and paperwork, as there are certain permits and licenses you must obtain before you can own an exotic bird.

The most important document you need is an import/export permit. This needs to be provided by the Indian government, and without it, it is illegal to transport exotic birds both within and outside of India.

In addition to this, if you are keeping the birds in a captivity situation, such as aviaries or cages, it would be wise to acquire a Captive Animal License. This license is issued by local municipalities and will involve the submission of certain documents such as photographs of the aviary or cage and other information such as the size of the enclosure. The application process may vary by region, so make sure that you research your local regulations carefully.

Finally, if you want to show your birds at shows and exhibitions, it is necessary to obtain a Breeder License which allows for the breeding of exotic birds as well as their display at exhibitions. This license also requires certain documents such as photographs of enclosures and enclosures sizes - again these vary by region so make sure that you do your research!


If you are considering keeping exotic birds as pets in India, there are several laws and regulations in place to ensure the safety and health of the birds, as well as the environment. It is important to research the laws and regulations to make sure you are compliant.

Additionally, you must obtain the necessary permits if you want to keep an exotic bird. Keeping exotic birds can be a rewarding experience, but it is essential to consider the ethical and environmental implications of these birds before making a decision.

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