What are some of the most popular exotic amphibian species to keep as pets?

What are some of the most popular exotic amphibian species to keep as pets?


Exotic amphibians, including frogs and toads, are the most popular pets available in the reptile world. All it takes to keep an exotic pet from your garden is a tank or vivarium, a heat lamp or under-tank heater, a source of food (pellets and live insects work well), water, and a place to house your pet during the night. An exotic amphibian can be kept in either a terrarium or an aquarium. Contrary to popular belief, most exotic amphibians are fairly easy to care for, so long as you know what you're getting into before you begin. The internet is chock full of resources discussing the pros & cons of keeping exotic amphibians as pets.

There are nearly 200 species of amphibians that are native to the world with another 100 or so found in remote areas of the world, with more than 3,000 species being described from the time it was discovered. Most people have heard of frogs and salamanders. But there are some other exotic pet amphibians that number in the thousands. This includes all sorts of newts, toads, and treefrogs to just name a few.


The axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is a freshwater fish that can be kept as a pet. It's native to the lakes of Mexico and the southernmost U.S. but has been introduced to many other parts of the world where it's escaped and established itself.

Axolotls are carnivorous, eating zooplankton, tiny invertebrates, and sometimes small fish and frogs. They reproduce quickly and can produce up to 15 young per litter, often hatching from eggs laid in their bellies.

Axolotls are very difficult to care for as pets; it's important to keep them in water for the first few months of their life so they don't dry out or starve to death when you can't feed them anymore. The main reason axolotls are so hard to care for is that they're so expensive; adult axolotls cost $250 each, which is a lot compared to other exotic animals like bearded dragons or leopard geckos which cost $10 each or less!

Fire-Belly Toads

The fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina) is a species of toad that is native to Australia. It is found in all states except Western Australia and the Northern Territory, but it has been introduced in Tasmania and South Australia. It is also found on the Lord Howe Island Group, Norfolk Island, and Macquarie Island.

These toads are mainly nocturnal, spending most of their time under leaf litter or rocks. They eat a variety of insects, including ants, beetles, grasshoppers, and caterpillars. The females lay between 20 and 50 eggs in pools or holes in moist soil or leaf litter during late summer or autumn.

African Dwarf Frogs

One of the most popular exotic amphibians to keep as a pet is the African Dwarf Frog. These small frogs are native to Africa and can live in water without having to maintain an aquarium. They are one of the easiest species of frog to keep as pets, as they require little care and do not require much space in your home.

African dwarf frogs are also very easy to breed, so you can continue to expand your collection of these tiny amphibian species. You can even purchase kits that contain all the necessary materials for breeding, so you don't have to worry about collecting eggs or raising tadpoles.

Red-Eyed Tree Frogs

There are many species of frogs that can be kept as pets. One of the most popular, however, is the red-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis callidryas). This species is native to South and Central America but has been successfully bred in captivity in Australia. Red-eyed tree frogs are small (up to 2 inches), but they are very active and will jump quite far when startled. They eat a variety of insects and fruit flies, but also enjoy feeding off your fingers or toes!

The adult red-eyed tree frog grows up to 3 inches long and has a tan body with black spots on its backside; it has bright red eyes that blink when it moves around. The juvenile red-eyed tree frog is smaller than the adult; its body coloration is a duller shade of tan with numerous black spots on its backside.

Poison Dart Frogs

The poison dart frog is a type of frog that is native to South America. It is found throughout the Amazon rainforest, as well as in parts of Central America and Mexico. These frogs are well known for their brightly colored bodies and unique defense mechanism: they shoot poisonous skin secretions from their mouths at predators. The skin secretions contain toxins that cause mild illness in humans but can be deadly to other animals.

Poison Dart Frogs can live up to eight years in captivity, but many die before reaching adulthood due to improper care or neglect by owners. They are often kept as pets in small terrariums with very little space, and may not be fed properly or given enough water. This results in underweight frogs that do not develop normally and may have health problems later on in life due to malnutrition or poor living conditions (such as respiratory infections).

Surinam toads

Surinam toads, also known as Surinam snails, are a species of Bufo (toad) found in the rainforests of South America. They can grow up to 5 inches long and are one of only a few species that are able to change color. They have bright red eyes and black spots on their back.

The Surinam toad is considered an "exotic" amphibian because it is not native to North America. It was first discovered in Suriname (South America) in 1974 by zoologist Robert L. Carleton and his wife, who were on vacation there at the time. This species has been introduced around the world for its beautiful appearance and ability to change color when it is stressed or frightened.

Surinam toads often make good pets because they are fairly easy to care for, don't need much space, aren't aggressive towards people or other animals, and don't eat anything harmful like plants or insects that could harm your other pets or yourself. The Surinam toad is usually a light brown or cream color, but it can change to greenish-brown when it is stressed or frightened. The underside of this species' legs is usually darker than the rest of its body.

Tomato frogs

The Tomato Frog (Cyclorana septentrionalis) is a species of frog native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Central America. It has been introduced to many other areas around the world, including southern Florida and Puerto Rico. The Tomato Frog has a stocky body with small eyes, a long snout, and hind legs that are distinctly longer than forelegs. It is about 7 inches long from snout to vent and has bright red spots on its back and sides. Its skin is smooth with no webbing between the toes or fingers.

The Tomato Frog lives in slow-moving streams, rivers, marshes, swamps, and ponds where it can hide under fallen leaves or logs during the day. It typically eats insects but will also eat small fish when available. The Tomato Frog lays eggs in water that is shallow enough for it to hide beneath aquatic vegetation such as floating leaves or other debris in order to protect them from predators such as alligators and humans who might find them tasty.

Chinese fire-bellied newts

The Chinese fire-bellied newt (Lissotriton chinensis) is a species of newt native to China, Japan, and Korea. It has also been introduced to North America, where it is known as the red-bellied newt or Chinese fire newt.

The Chinese fire-bellied newt is one of the most popular exotic amphibians kept as pets due to its unusual appearance, which includes red spots on a black background with orange eyes. The species was first described by Chinese scientists in 1883 as Lissotriton chinensis, but was later renamed Lissotriton drouinii in 1888 after it was discovered that this name had already been used for another species.

The Chinese fire-bellied newt is one of only two species of Asian newts that are known to be able to breathe air, rather than water. It does not have gills like other amphibians; instead, it breathes through its skin and body during times when it is not submerged in water.


While the fascination of owning an exotic pet can never be matched, research is always necessary before bringing any amphibian into your home or business. If you are considering buying or adopting an amphibian species unfamiliar to you, please do plenty of research beforehand to make sure that your new addition is right for you and your lifestyle.

As you can see above, there's a wide variety of exotic amphibians to explore. If you're thinking of purchasing one yourself, consult a local pet store or reputable breeder. These animals are not always easy to take care of and require good planning, so be sure that you're ready for what's involved before you bring one home!

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