What are some of the most popular small exotic mammals to keep as pets?

What are some of the most popular small exotic mammals to keep as pets?


When looking at small exotic mammals as pets, it is important to remember that there are a number of different options available. This can make things a little confusing. It's also very easy to get distracted by the fact these pets are different and might not be immediately attracted to you in the same way other animals are.

The exotic pet industry provides many people with a chance to own small mammals. There are so many different species to choose from, and it can be quite overwhelming to decide what would work best for you. After all, you want a pet that is well-mannered, easy to care for, and doesn't require much attention. However, there are some common misconceptions about this type of animal. Below is a list of the most popular small exotic mammals to keep as pets:


Chinchillas are one of the most popular small exotic mammals to keep as pets. They are small, furry rodents with long tails that can be used as a means of communication when they are happy or scared. These animals have adapted to life in high altitudes and cold climates, making them extremely hardy and long-lived pets.

Chinchillas are native to South America and live in the Andes Mountains at elevations up to 5,800 meters (19,000 feet). Their fur is usually white or gray with a brown stripe down their backs. They have large ears, which they use for hearing, and their eyesight is poor. They also have very long whiskers on their cheeks that they use for grooming themselves and sniffing out food sources such as grasses and leaves.

Chinchillas use their tail as a means of communication, turning them side to side when they are happy or frightened. They will often groom themselves by licking their fur until it becomes dry and then using their teeth to groom it again so that it becomes more soft and fluffy again.

Sugar Glider

Sugar gliders are small, nocturnal marsupials native to Australia. These creatures are fun, playful, and extremely intelligent, meaning that they can be trained. Sugar gliders are also known for their ability to climb, so they make great climbing companions.

Sugar gliders make great pets for people who enjoy being around animals, but don't want a large commitment. These animals are very hardy, but because they are so small and don't have much hair, they may need some extra attention from their owners at first.

The best thing about owning a sugar glider is that you can teach them tricks! You can teach them how to climb up your arm or climb up your back and nibble on your earlobe! They have been known to learn how to play with stuffed toy mice and balls of yarn! This makes for an entertaining pet for both kids and adults alike!

Prairie Dog

Prairie dogs are one of the most popular small exotic mammals to keep as pets. They are also one of the most popular small exotic mammals to keep because they have a very high appeal to children, who can find it very fascinating to watch them interact with each other. Their main color is brown or grey and they have very long tails that can reach up to 10 inches in length.

Their ears are also quite large and pointed, measuring about one-half inch in length. Prairie dogs live in colonies that consist of a number of burrows, which they dig out themselves with their front teeth. They burrow deep into the ground where it is safe from predators and there are plenty of grasses for food.


Skunks are small mammals native to North America that are often kept as pets. They are characterized by their long snout and long, black fur. Skunks have a reputation for being difficult to keep, but they are not as hard to care for as many people think.

Skunks are nocturnal animals, which means they spend most of their time sleeping during the day. They tend to be active at night when they hunt and eat. Skunks typically live between five and 10 years in captivity, although some may live much longer than this.

Skunks are omnivores, meaning that they eat both plants and animals. They prefer smaller prey like mice and insects but will also eat larger animals such as rabbits or birds if given the opportunity. Skunks are considered carnivores because they can eat meat, but they also have strong teeth that allow them to chew up bones fairly easily.

Guinea Pig

The guinea pig is a domesticated rodent belonging to the family Caviidae and the order Rodentia. The common names for these rodents are derived from the country in which they were first domesticated, Guinea, and the French name Pigeon.

Guinea pigs are social animals that live in groups called "herds", but they do not form permanent bonds with other members of their herd, unlike other rodents such as hamsters or gerbils. They are very intelligent and can be trained to do tricks. They are easily litter-trained and can be weaned at four weeks of age.

Guinea pigs are sometimes kept as pets due to their easy care requirements, although they require more space than many other small mammals such as mice or rats. They should be kept in pairs or groups due to aggression between males over territory.


Hedgehogs are a good choice for beginners because they're easy to care for and make excellent pets. A hedgehog is an adorable, cuddly creature that can be kept as a pet in the home. They're also very friendly and will enjoy interacting with people. Hedgehogs come in many different colors and patterns, but most have black or brown coat coloration with tan or cream-colored underbellies and legs. Hedgehogs do not require constant attention; they are actually quite easy to keep as pets.

Hedgehogs are native to Europe and Asia and were introduced to North America during the early 19th century by European settlers who explored the continent for new settlers. While hedgehogs were originally considered pests because of their habit of eating crops like apples in gardens, people soon discovered that these creatures made great house pets due to their ability to live alone and their small size (they grow up to four inches long).


When it comes to small exotic mammals, there are many factors to consider before purchasing a pet. Some species are more social than others and will do better with a companion; some are capable of inflicting injury with their teeth if they feel threatened, while others cannot bite at all. Most importantly, you must give each species special attention to provide them with the environment they need to live as long and healthy a life as possible. With the proper care and attention, you can provide a wonderful home environment for your new pet!

The best small exotic species for petting is the chinchilla. They have a long lifespan of up to 20 years, and they can be just as cute and playful as any other small animal in your home. The second best option is the guinea pig, which has an even higher life span than chinchillas. However, they are one of the messiest small pets out there. Luckily if you adopt two guinea pigs they will bond with each other and play together, which will help keep your home less messy.

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